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    PCsensor isolated Thermocouple thermometer K type Thermocouple probe
    PCsensor isolated Thermocouple thermometer K type Thermocouple probe
    PCsensor isolated Thermocouple thermometer K type Thermocouple probe
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  • PCsensor isolated Thermocouple thermometer K type Thermocouple probe

    a real-time isolated thermocouple thermometer

    • U.S.$32.99
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a real-time isolated thermocouple thermometer


TH2018KD is a real-time isolated thermocouple thermometer, making full use of the hardware resources of mobile phone and computer, which used with mobile phone or computer. With exquisite appearance and Standard K type thermocouple probe ,the temperature range of this product is 0~1024℃. In addition,the product is equipped with a temperature-measuring chip, temperature range is -40℃~125℃, which can monitor the internal temperature when the product is running. 

USB thermocouple meterTraditional thermocouple meter
Secondary developmentsupportnot support
SoftwarePhone/PCnot support
Remote alarmsupportnot support
Relaysupportnot support
Thermocouple isolationsupportnot support
Data to filesupportnot support
log curve recordsupportnot support


TH2018K series comparison
If the device under test is powered, please use our isolated thermocouple meter for preventing damage to the phone or computer

If the temperature range to be measured is wide, please use our wide range type thermocouple meter
If your probe is plug type, please chose our plug-in thermocouple meter.

Non-isolated thermocouple meter

 USB Type AAndroidRelayPortTemperature Range
TH2018KA××USB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection0~1024ºC
TH2018KHUSB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection0~+1024ºC
Isolated thermocouple meter

 USB Type AAndroidRelayPortTemperature Range
TH2018KDUSB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection0~1024ºC
TH2018KKUSB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection0~1024ºC

a)USB Port: Using USB port, the device communicates with the host computer.
b)Thermocouple Isolation: thermocouple probe circuit and internal circuit isolation, to avoid damage the computer when measure temperature of high voltage equipment. 
c)Android : Supports Android APP for monitoring (only single-mode operation is supported, and Micro USB Port is used as power in mobile mode)
d)Relay: It can be connected to external boilers, motors and other equipment to control the on/off of the equipment by judging the temperature.
e)Buzzer: When the temperature exceeds the threshold range, the buzzer will beep.
f)Outer measurement range:K-type thermocouple probe temperature measurement range

Software introduction
Real-time Temperature Measurement  
USB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection
View real-time temperature data via a computer connected device
Email alarm
USB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection
   Set the alarm threshold, set the send mode to be "Send mail when alarming", then, through the mailbox SMTP service, the software will send an alarm email to the aim mailbox when the measured temperature exceeds the alarm temperature.
Remote data
 Users can view data on a computer without a connected device by registering an account.
Data to file
  USB Industrial Thermocouple Thermometer K-Type Probe Apply to Boiler High Temperature Environmental Detection
The software automatically stores the measurement data as a file. The user can set the file type and storage path.
Product features
a)Support COM port mode, free to provide secondary development instruction text and instructions.
b)The device uses a metal shell, which can well shield external interference, batch order can be printed LOGO.
c)Two-way plug-in design, easy to plug and replace the probe.
d) The device has two modes: PC and mobile, providing Android App. Models that support mobile mode: TH2018KB, TH2018KC, TH2018KD, TH2018KF, TH2018KG, TH2018KH, TH2018KJ
e) Provide Windows-based driver, and provide Windows supporting software, support data storage, set alarm threshold, automatically send alarm mail, curve display and other functions.

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