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  • PCsensor USB Keyboard Test Module
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  • PCsensor USB Keyboard Test Module

    KMtester is a test module that detects the keystrokes of the USB keyboard. It has two modes: serial port and HID printing.

    • U.S.$40.99
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KMtester is a test module that detects the keystrokes of the USB keyboard. It has two modes: serial port and HID printing.

KMtester is a test module that detects the keystrokes of the USB keyboard. The keyboard to be tested is connected to the module.
The module is connected to the computer and has two modes of serial port and HID printing. Toggle the switch to the USB male side for the HID printing mode.
mode, dial to the USB female side for serial port mode. In serial port mode, the device will virtualize a serial port, the module is under test
When the keyboard is in action, upload the key state of the keyboard through the serial port. The following figure is the software interface of KMtester. The software can real-time
Displays the status of each key (pressed or released), and counts the number of times each key is pressed.
The description of serial port data analysis is as follows, you can develop analysis software by yourself:
Serial port configuration:
Baud rate: 115200bps
Data bits: 8
Check Digit: None
Stop bit: 1
Data Format:
01 04 14 media_key[3] 00 fun_code key_code[15] 0D
media_key[3]: Each function occupies one bit, the bit is 1 means press, the bit is 0 means release, sort according to the following table
For example, media_key[0]=0x01 means that the volume down key is pressed, and media_key[0]=0x03 means that the volume down and volume up keys are pressed at the same time


0x01 -> volume down
0x02->Volume Plus
0x03 -> mute
0x04 -> play/pause
0x05->Previous song
0x06->next song
0x07 -> stop
0x08 -> open the player
0x09 -> open home page
0x0a -> Interrupted loading web page
0x0b -> go back to the last web page viewed
0x0c -> go back to the next page viewed
0x0d -> refresh webpage
0x0e -> open my computer
0x0f -> open mail
0x10 -> open calculator
0x11 -> Open search file window
fun_code: function key code, each function occupies one bit, the functions are as follows
#define L_CTRL 0x01
#define L_SHIFT 0x02
#define L_ALT 0x04
#define L_WIN 0x08
#define R_CTRL 0x10
#define R_SHIFT 0x20
#define R_ALT 0x40
#define R_WIN 0x80

key_code[15]: Each key occupies one bit, starting from the A key of the key code, refer to the following table
For example, key_code[0]=01 means A key is pressed, key_code[0]=0 means B key is pressed, key_code[0]=03 means A and B keys are pressed at the same time,

#define Keyboard_a 4 // Keyboard a and A
#define Keyboard_b 5 // Keyboard b and B
#define Keyboard_c 6 // Keyboard c and C
#define Keyboard_d 7 // Keyboard d and D
#define Keyboard_e 8 // Keyboard e and E

 HID print mode:
The characters printed by keyboard key actions are as follows:

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