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  • PCsensor PDF Temperature Recorder
    PCsensor PDF Temperature Recorder
    PCsensor PDF Temperature Recorder
    PCsensor PDF Temperature Recorder
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  • PCsensor PDF Temperature Recorder

    Record up to 8,000 temperature data.

    • U.S.$29.99
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    • (Inventory: 99998)

Record up to 8,000 temperature data.

  PDF Temperature and Humidity Recorder is a device used to record temperature and humidity changes. The built-in battery and sensors of the PDF Temperature and Humidity Recorder convert temperature and humidity changes into data reports, which are saved in the built-in USB disk in PDF or CSV file format. The data reports in the files include temperature information summaries, alarm messages, and complete temperature curve graphs.

  To view the data reports, simply connect the product to a computer or smartphone and access the files in the built-in USB disk. Users can set recording intervals, time zones, alarm thresholds, and more through the computer. The PDF Temperature and Humidity Recorder is easy to operate, just press the "start" button to begin recording. The temperature recorder is the temperature and humidity recording equipment you can absolutely trust, ultra-low price and convenient use method, is the ideal choice for food, medicine, industrial products in the cold chain transportation process to monitor the ambient temperature!

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