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I need a USB thermometer to test the temperature and humidity of the environment in the computer room. I hope it can be developed again, and I hope to provide secondary interface programs such as DLL and API. Which one is suitable?
Source: | Author:pcsensor | Published time: 2022-05-25 | 1403 Views | Share:

I need a USB thermometer to test the temperature and humidity of the environment in the computer room. I hope it can be developed again, and I hope to provide secondary interface programs such as DLL and API. Which one is suitable?

Answer: TEMPerX232 is recommended. This one has a built-in probe, and it can also be connected to an external probe. In principle, an external probe will be better. This product provides an open serial port ASCII command. Set the basic baud rate of the serial port according to the instructions and send the text command directly,you can  get the correct temperature value in decimal.
